The Tefilah Podcast
My name is Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss, and this is the hub for all of my shiurim (classes) on Tefilah (Prayer) and related topics, such as Tehilim (Psalms) and Berachos (Blessings)! The shiurim I upload here are given in a variety of formats with different lengths and intended for different audiences. The common theme which unites all of these shiurim is our focus on strengthening our relationship with Hashem through Avodah she'ba'Lev (Service of the Heart). If you have any questions feel free to email me at rabbischneeweiss at gmail. Thanks for listening!
Podcasting since 2020 • 218 episodes
The Tefilah Podcast
Latest Episodes
Amidah Analysis: Avos (Part 6) Atoh
Length: 1 hour 4 minutesSynopsis: This Friday morning (3/7/25), in our tefilah-focused Machshavah Lab series for women, we resumed our analysis of berachos. After reviewing and slightly expanding upon our explanation of what kavanah to have...
Season 16
Episode 14
Tehilim 43: Shofteini Hashem ve'Rivah Rivi (Part 3)
Length: 56 minutesSynopsis: Tonight (3/5/25), in our Wednesday night Tehilim shiur, we successfully and SMOOTHLY "landed the plane"! Not only did we get the main idea and purpose of the perek, but we explained nearly every phrase in the per...
Season 16
Episode 13
Tehilim 43: Shofteini Hashem ve'Rivah Rivi (Part 2)
Length: 59 minutesSynopsis: Tonight (2/26/24), in our Wednesday night Tehilim shiur, we continued our analysis of the short perek we began last time. After reviewing our translation, our pivot point theories, and our questions, we came up w...
Season 16
Episode 12
Amidah Analysis: Avos (Part 5) "Hashem" and "Baruch"
Length: 1 hour 7 minutesSynopsis: This morning (2/21/25), in our tefilah-focused Machshavah Lab series for women, we resumed our analysis of the first berachah of the shemoneh esrei ... well, of ALL berachos! We began by reviewing what we c...
Season 16
Episode 11
Tehilim 43: Shofteini Hashem ve'Rivah Rivi (Part 1)
Length: 58 minutesSynopsis: Tonight (2/19/24), in our Wednesday night Tehilim shiur, we began a new and (to us) unknown chapter towards the beginning of Book II. I chose it because it was unfamiliar, short, and looked like it might help us ...
Season 16
Episode 10