The Tefilah Podcast

Tehilim 7: Shigayon le'David (Part 2)

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 14 Episode 2

Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes
Synopsis: Last night (5/16/24), in our Wednesday night Tehilim shiur, we dove into our in-depth analysis of this perek, raising a bunch of questions, making a bunch of observations, and following our intuition. We discussed a few ideas from the meforshim - most notably, Radak's interpretation of the grammatically anomalous word: יִרַדֹּף - but the main moves we made came from our own theorizing. We began developing an approach and mapped out what remains to be solved. Next time (בג"ה), we'll learn the perek according to one of the meforshim and hopefully be able to "land the plane."
תהלים פרק ז
מצודת ציון/דוד תהלים
מאירי - תהלים ז:א
רד"ק - תהלים ז:ו
א' שמואל פרק כד (Robert Alter)
תרגום כתובים
תהלים צ:ט
The Torah content from now through Lag ba'Omer has been generously sponsored by Malky M. June is less than a month away which means that I'll soon be transitioning into "summer writing mode," with more substack articles and fewer recorded shiurim. The bulk of these articles will remain free. However, if you would like to support my Torah AND gain access to additional spicy written content, consider becoming a paid subscriber by going to
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