The Tefilah Podcast

Tefilah Reexamined: Part 4 - Six Ways of Understanding Ramban on Tefilah

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 14 Episode 11

Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!

Length: 1 hour 27 minutes
Synopsis: This morning (9/27/24), in our NEW Machshavah Lab series for women called "Tefilah Reexamined," we began with a grand review of the essential ideas in parts 1-3, focusing on the mitzvah de'oraisa of tefilah as explained by Ralbag, Rambam, and Ramban. Picking up where we left off last time, we reviewed the Rav's explanation of the machlokess between the Rambam and Ramban, bringing support from "Rav scholars" for the problems we identified last time. We then read Rav Asher Weiss's analysis of the Ramban's view, as well as the Aruch ha'Shulchan's treatment, and ultimately ended up with our own assessment and hot take. All in all, I believe there were six approaches that were considered for understanding Ramban's view. Let no one say we didn't give it our best shot!
רמב"ן - השגות לספר המצוות, עשה ה
Lawrence Kaplan, Review of Worship of the Heart (Hakirah Vol. 5), note 45
David Hartman, "A Living Covenant" p.321, note 16
מנחת אשר - פרשת עקב, סימן כב אות א
ערוך השולחן - אורח חיים פט:ד-ו
The Torah content for the first month of the new school year has been sponsored by the Brevique BrewLid. The BrewLid integrates coffee directly into the lid, offering a cleaner, more convenient, and eco-friendly coffee experience. By eliminating the need for machine contact, it reduces contamination risk, minimizes steps, cuts down on waste, and keeps the aroma around longer while delivering every last drop of flavor. If you love coffee and want to get in on the ground floor of BrewLid, check out the Kickstarter!
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