The Tefilah Podcast
The Tefilah Podcast
Tehilim 23 REDUX: The Lord is My Shepherd (Part 3)
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!
Length: 58 minutes
Synopsis: Tonight (11/13/24), in our Wednesday night Tehilim shiur, we successfully "landed the plane"! Last time we ran through the Radak to get the big picture and I shared the core of my theory. This time we read through him at a more deliberate pace and then brought it all together by asking a key question: When should this perek be said? The answer to that question unlocked the main idea and purpose of the perek. I'm really happy with our this round of analysis went, and I can't wait to see what happens NEXT time we return to this perek!
תהלים פרק כג
אבן עזרא פירוש שני
ר' אליה די נולה
רמב"ם - משנה תורה: ספר המדע, הלכות תשובה י:ג
רמב"ם - משנה תורה: הקדמה, חלוקת הספרים
רמב"ם - משנה תורה: ספר אהבה, הלכות ברכות א:ג-ד
This week’s Torah content has been sponsored by Yael Weiss. I forgot to ask her for a dedication message in advance, but in the meantime, I’ll dedicate this Torah content to the entire Weiss family: Rabbi and Sara, Yael and Esti, Eli and Benji, with a special shout-out to Rabbi Weiss Sr. Thank you for supporting what I do and for being part of my learning life, each in your own way!
If you've gained from what you've learned here, please consider contributing to my Patreon at Alternatively, if you would like to make a direct contribution to the "Rabbi Schneeweiss Torah Content Fund," my Venmo is @Matt-Schneeweiss, and my Zelle and PayPal are mattschneeweiss at gmail. Even a small contribution goes a long way to covering the costs of my podcasts, and will provide me with the financial freedom to produce even more Torah content for you.
If you would like to sponsor a day's or a week's worth of content, or if you are interested in enlisting my services as a teacher or tutor, you can reach me at rabbischneeweiss at gmail. Thank you to my listeners for listening, thank you to my readers for reading, and thank you to my supporters for supporting my efforts to make Torah ideas available and accessible to everyone.
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