The Tefilah Podcast
The Tefilah Podcast
The Nature of Nusach (Liturgy) Part 3: Rambam's Position (WARNING: Highly Technical)
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!
Length: 1 hour 14 minutes
Synopsis: This morning (12/13/24), in our tefilah-focused Machshavah Lab series for women, we attempted to understand the Rambam's view, as expressed in a pair of seemingly contradictory halachos. We learned through two commentaries on the Rambam who offered explanations: the Kesef Mishneh and the Yad Peshuta. Believe me, I didn't intend for these to be highly technical halachic shiurim (which is usually the type of thing I'd reserve for my Rambam Bekius podcast, not my Machshavah Lab shiurim), but alas - that's where we ended up. The good news is that we emerged with a clearer understanding of WHAT the Rambam holds. Next time, we'll delve into WHY the Rambam takes such a conservative stance when it comes to making change in the received nusach.
Please feel free to leave your questions, insights, and feedback in the comments!
רמב"ם - משנה תורה: ספר אהבה, הלכות קריאת שמע א:ז
רמב"ם - משנה תורה: ספר אהבה, הלכות ברכות א:ה-ו
כסף משנה שם
יד פשוטה שם
ברכות דף מ עמוד ב
רמב"ם - שו"ת בלאו סימן רנד עמוד 465
This week's Torah content has been generously sponsored by Ann, a dedicated supporter of the Rabbi Schneeweiss Torah Content Fund. Thank you, Ann, for your ongoing contribution, which enables me to make my Torah available and accessible to everyone!
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"The Mishlei Podcast": mishlei.buzzsprout.com
"Rambam Bekius" Podcast: rambambekius.buzzsprout.com
"The Tefilah Podcast": tefilah.buzzsprout.com
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