The Tefilah Podcast
The Tefilah Podcast
Modim (Part 3: The Living Bow to the Living)
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Length: 57 minutes
Synopsis: Whoops! I forgot to upload last week's tefilah shiur. Last Wednesday (12/11/24), in our Wednesday night tefilah shiur, we continued our analysis Modim. After reviewing and refining what we covered last time, we attempted to understand the midrash cited by the Abudarham about how since we are alive and God is "alive," therefore, we should bow to Him. Our analysis was going well until I got up to the main idea ... and let it slip through my fingers. I just couldn't manage to articulate the insights that my chavrusa and I came up with. We still had a lot of nice ideas, but we didn't quite get there.
ברכת הודאה (נוסח אשכנז)
בראשית רבה - פרשת ויחי פרשה צו אות מט
ספר העיקרים ב:כד
This week's Torah content is sponsored by Feiga W., with the following dedication: "With deep gratitude to my parents, who taught me to seek out opportunities for growth—and to Rabbi Schneeweiss, whose shiurim are exactly that."
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