The Tefilah Podcast
The Tefilah Podcast
Amidah Analysis: Avos (Part 1)
Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!
Length: 1 hour 17 minutes
Synopsis: This morning (1/3/24), in our tefilah-focused Machshavah Lab series for women, we began a new series: an analysis of the berachos in the amidah! What, exactly, does this entail? That's what we spent the first 20 minutes of shiur discussing: how can we get the most out of our analysis, given our temporal limitations, and what should our objectives be? After we settled on 5-6 objectives, we translated the berachah, compared the standard nusach Ashkenaz with three old nuschaos, raised a ton of questions and problems, and did a quick read-through of the Abudarham. Next time, we will focus on the conclusion of the berachah in an attempt to understand the main idea, which we'll use to achieve our objectives (בג"ה).
ברכת אבות נוסח אשכנז
נוסח ארץ ישראל
סידור רס"ג
סידור הרמב"ם
This week's Torah content has been sponsored l'zecher nishmas Yosef Yoshayahu ben Yechezkel Eliezer, whose yahrzeit is on the 3rd of Teves. Yehi zichro baruch.
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