The Tefilah Podcast

Does Hashem Love Us Unconditionally? (Part 2)

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 16 Episode 3

Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!

Length: 1 hour
Synopsis: Tonight (1/8/24), in our Wednesday night tefilah shiur, we continued our analysis of what we mean when we say that Hashem loves us. We began by reviewing the essence of what we covered last time, but in a much slower, clearer, and thought-out manner than last time. As we reviewed the sources, we sharpened last week's approach. We then read an excerpt from R' Joseph B. Soloveitchik's "From There Shall You Seek" which not only confirmed that we were on the right track, but also gave us a lot more to think about. I'd say we now have a solid theory in the works! Next time, we'll revisit the Rav again in an effort to gain more clarity, and then tackle some of the pesukim which the berachos of Ahavah Rabbah and Ahavas Olam are based on (בג"ה).
תמיד אוהב אותי – ששון איפרם שאולוב
אהבה רבה (נוסח אשכנז)
אהבת עולם (נוסח אשכנז)
ר' חסדאי קרשקש אור ה' ב:ה
Soloveitchik - "From There Shall You Seek" (pp.153-157)
This week's Torah content has been sponsored l'zecher nishmas Yosef Yoshayahu ben Yechezkel Eliezer, whose yahrzeit is on the 3rd of Teves. Yehi zichro baruch.
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